Walkin’ on Sunshine ☀️

Found a note that I started on my computer during my flight home! December 19th, 2021: Watching the sunrise above the clouds with the stars still sparkling. When these two meet, magic happens. The sun is rising while the moon is setting, the stars are shining while the clouds are changing colors, welcoming the new day. Like a birthday party for a brand new day! … Continue reading Walkin’ on Sunshine ☀️

Autumn Orange Slices and Capri Suns

The fall this year has got me all up in my feelings. The cool breeze in the mornings in hand with the sunshine takes me back to the age of 7 or so. Getting up early when the grass has a bit of dew on it, sleep in my eyes and a box full of capri suns and squeeze-its ready for the end of the … Continue reading Autumn Orange Slices and Capri Suns

PNW raised, Japan saved

HAPPY JUNE!! May 1, 2020 (I’m currently finishing up this blog and it is now June 9th…this blog is events from the past five months.) Hey you! Stop, collaborate and listen…I’m getting older so if you don’t finish that line-just consider it a generation gap. ICE IS BACK WITH MY BRAND NEW INVENTION. Happy, healthy, free, beautiful and safe. This has been the words I’ve … Continue reading PNW raised, Japan saved

The beginning of 2020

—-The journey anyone can enjoy reading— February 2020 I was struggling with the most difficult heart work I’ve yet to experience. In the moments I was crying-it didn’t feel good. It was hard. I was reflecting and acknowledging things that I’d never given the time to. My last post was November 22! Wow, do I have a lot to share with you. November, I went … Continue reading The beginning of 2020

Happy, Healthy, Safe and Free 愛 

私はレイちゃんです。 私はひまわりが好きです 。 Do you know I prefer to go by RayChan レイちゃん Instead of RachelSan レイチェルさん Sounds more like LayChan. Chan ちゃんhere is used for children. San さんis used for adults. Of course I prefer Chan. It’s only natural. I even got it on my new dentist card after insisting it was what I like to be called and convincing the staff to put … Continue reading Happy, Healthy, Safe and Free 愛 

Buzzed and Happy

It has been quite some time since my last post! Summer break has come to an end. In Japan, teachers have 5 days off for summer break. I was able to make it home and refill my heart tank…like gas tank. Looking back through my calendar where I try to take quick notes of what I do each day…I’m smiling as I go through my … Continue reading Buzzed and Happy

Sad should never be wrapped

Had I known how to save a life. I use to sing that song at the top of my lungs. I thought-wow this song is real. I’m sitting here now recalling the lyrics…I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life…but does that save a life? How many nights have you stayed awake to watch a person … Continue reading Sad should never be wrapped

Because I have changed

4/10/2019 Entrance ceremony was today. If you have never heard of or seen an entrance ceremony, you need to google it. The gym is decorated and parents, students and staff welcome new students (1st graders). The band is playing, everybody claps for an extended period of time while the new class members walk in. There are flowers, music, clapping, and speeches to welcome the new … Continue reading Because I have changed

Memories in the making

3/12/19 These are some quotes I have come across, that made me feel something. Hugging is the most beautiful form of communication that allows the other person to know beyond a doubt that they matter. It is hard for me to understand why people don’t hug here. To hug once a day would improve the mind, body, and soul. If you want something you’ve never … Continue reading Memories in the making

Beverly Hills, 90210

Time…the only thing that never stops. A flyer was hanging in the staff room where I was teaching third grade. That was 2.5 years ago when I applied to be an ALT in Japan. The first year, I did not get the job. I was devastated. January came around, 2018 and I thought…I’m going to try one more time. I applied and interviewed for the … Continue reading Beverly Hills, 90210